If you use web conferencing, it is likely that you have experienced some form of technical difficulties…
- Have you ever been unable to join a meeting?
- Have you ever been kicked out of a meeting?
- Have you ever lost video or audio?
- Have you ever had difficulties sharing your documents, visuals or even your screen?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, this blog post is for you.
Hosting effective web conferences can make all the difference in your organization. It can help you increase productivity, save time and sometimes even help you win big deals with perspective clients. But if your collaboration tools keep acting up, then you can just end up looking unprepared or unprofessional. Therefore, you definitely don’t want to find yourself without the proper solution and equipment necessary for an effective web conference meeting.
Follow the checklist below to ensure your next meeting goes according to plan…
- Choose the right collaboration tool
- Test telephone lines and your internet connection
- Check audio levels (microphones, headsets, speakers)
- Make sure your video and webcams work
- Practice sharing documents
If all your equipment and systems can survive the first round of testing, then you shouldn’t have any problems during your meeting. Of course, sometimes things just happen, but all Momentum’s customers have access to our client services‘ team. If anything goes wrong during your meeting, a representative will be available to help you right away.
For online tutorials for our most common web-conferencing solutions, click here.