3 Problems with Large Meetings & How to Solve Them

Original Post by Luke Ewingcollaboration

Large meetings can sometimes be overwhelming and complicated. Whether it’s an investor relations call, HR training or other large-scale operator-assisted conference, with potentially several thousand people in the same meeting at once, it can be tough to manage logistics and interact fluidly and efficiently.

Before your large meeting begins, you should prepare and organize what you are going to say, how you are going to say it and how the information will be best presented. Being straightforward and to the point is key when trying to engage a large audience and to get your message across properly.

Here are three problems with large meetings and some ways in which they can be solved:

Rehearse and Prerecord

Don’t ever go into any meeting unprepared, especially a large scale conference call. Your operator-assisted conference provider should work with you on rehearsing your event and providing advice on timing, meeting flow, engagement techniques and other best practices specific to large-scale conference calls.

Also, consider pre-recording important audio pieces of your meeting to ensure that you’re not leaving anything up to chance.

Verifying and Connecting Attendees

When connecting hundreds or thousands of attendees to a conference call, you can’t afford connection delays or confusion. Particularly if you’re presenting to investors or other stakeholders who you’re trying to impress, you want a seamless connection experience.

Ensure that connections are as simple as possible for your guests, requiring a simple passcode entry that’s easy to find or well-publicized before your meeting. And for your most important events, utilize operator-assisted connections, where operators will verify and connect each attendee individually for you, taking all of the guess-work out of the equation.

Meeting at TablePartner with Event Specialists

Large meetings, can become very stressful if you aren’t sure you can rely on your provider. You need to partner with events specialists with years of experience providing high-quality conferencing and events services to businesses of all sizes.

And most importantly of all, you need to be sure that your operator-assisted conference provider will work with you from preparation all the way through follow-up to ensure you’re getting the most out of your large meeting investment.

Looking to plan a large-scale conference call? Click here for more info!

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