Webinar | January 22, 2015 | 10:00 AM PST | 60 Minutes
Megatrends, like big data, the Internet of Things, wearable tech, and next-generation search engines, have already touched our lives. But by 2025, when Frost & Sullivan forecasts the world will support more than 50 billion connected devices, these technologies will dramatically transform how we access information, balance our work and personal lives, and communicate with each other.

Video conferencing is a familiar productivity tool in many conference rooms and it has become routine for workers to meet face-to-face via desktops and mobile devices. But within 10 years, analysts predict that one-click visual communication will be embedded in almost every device, making it possible for consumers to access personalized interactive services as varied as banking, healthcare, education, and shopping from virtually any connected device.
Join Frost & Sullivan and Vidyo to examine today’s technology trends and predict how video will enhance how we live and work in the coming years.
Bonus: Registrants will receive a new paper by Melanie Turek. Flash forward 10 years and read how emerging technologies will enhance our everyday lives.