Do you have a video interview coming up?
These types of interviews are becoming more and more common in the workplace. As hiring becomes more global and as more employees work remotely, video interviewing is a way to expedite the interview process. Here are a few tips to help you nail your next video interview.
Advance Planning
- Send in any materials (resume, etc.) to the interviewer ahead of time.
- Make sure you test your equipment at least an hour before the interview is scheduled to begin (computer, webcam, internet connection, etc.)
- Research the company (like you would for an in-person job interview)
What to Wear
- Dress professionally (no jeans or sweatpants)
- Limit jewellery (no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets).
- Shower! (if your hair looks greasy in person, it will look greasy in the video too)
During the Video Interview
- Make sure your desk is clean and neat (you don’t want to distract the interviewer).
- Be aware that the microphone picks up all the noise in the room (keep your phone on silent)
- Maintain eye contact. Look directly at the camera (not the computer screen).
Just remember, video interviews are just as important as in-person interviews. The value, for yourself as well as for the hiring manager, is equivalent, and interviewing successfully, however it takes place, is the key to getting hired. So take these interviews as seriously as you would any other.