The Lazy Man’s Guide to UC

Original Post by Andrea Duke

Summertime is officially here people! Time to kick your feet up on your desk, change your desktop backdrop to a beach scene and turn on your desk fan to emulate an actual beach vacation away from the office.

Okay, so maybe that isn’t the best idea. But, if you’re too worried about what’s going on at work to take some time off this summer, we want to let you know there are ways to enjoy time out of the office while still being productive. This summer, we want to provide you with an arsenal of ideas to keep you productive and efficient so you can get back to soaking up the sun sooner.

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From our annual Global Telework Survey to podcast interviews with our global counterparts, we’ll be bringing you useful content throughout the course of the summer. For starters, we’ve put together a simple, easy-to-understand guide about utilizing your unified communications (UC) tools to the fullest extent with minimal effort.

In our Lazy Man’s Guide to UC, we’ll show you UC shortcuts to staying productive and collaborative without having to put forth much effort. From using chat presence and video conferencing to avoiding dial out phone calls, you’ll learn how to skim through meetings and collaborating without having to do so much as lifting your hands off the keyboard or hit pause on your summertime playlist.

So, what are you waiting for? Check out the first piece to kick off our campaign to keep you working smarter, not harder, this summer.




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